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A wiki of editions of Juvenal published in Europe up to the year 1600
David Shaw
Editions of Juvenal printed or published in Antwerp up to 1600
- Juv116 : Antwerp, Merten de Keyser (Caesar), for Govaert van de Haeghen (Dumaeus), May 1529
- Juv125 : Antwerp, Merten de Keyser (Martinus Caesar), May 1534
- Juv136 : Antwerp, Anthonis van der Haeghen (Dumaeus), 1540
- Juv137 : Antwerp, Joannes Hillenius Hoochstratanus (for Michael Hillenius Hoochstratanus?), 1541
- Juv140A : Antwerp, Joannes Crinitus, 1544
- Juv142A : Antwerp, Gillis Coppens van Diest (Aegidius Diestemius), 1545
- Juv145 : Antwerp, Joannes Loeus, 1545 (=1546?)
- Juv154 : Antwerp, Gillis Coppens van Diest (Aegidius Distemius), for Joannes Gymnicus, 1552
- Juv155 : Antwerp, Joannes Loeus, 1552
- Juv160 : Antwerp, Hans de Laet (Latius), for Joannes Steelsius, 1557
- Juv165 : Antwerp, Joannes Loeus, 1559
- Juv171 : Antwerp, Christophe Plantin, 1565
- Juv172 : Antwerp, Widow of Jan van der Loe (Loeus), 1566
- Juv173 : Antwerp, Christophe Plantin, 1566
- Juv177A : Antwerp, Daniel Vervliet?, for Petrus I Bellerus, 1581
- Juv179 : Antwerp, Christophe Plantin, 1585
- Juv180 : Leiden, Officina Plantiniana, for Christophe Plantin in Antwerp, 1585, and for Franciscus Raphelengius in Leiden, 1586
- Juv~Sel10 : Antwerp, Michael Hillenius Hoochstratanus, June 1528